Lawn Sprinkler Installation Contractor Insurance also known as general liability insurance for lawn sprinkler installation company protects the contractor and their business in the event losses, damages, or bodily injury is caused to clients or third parties. This policy kicks in to pay for damages if the cause of damages are covered by the policy.
We recommend at least $2,000,000 worth of coverage. Rates starting from $650 for the Year!
As irrigation experts you and your employees probably spend your days digging trenches in your Canadians customer’s yard. You probably consider yourself somewhat of an expert in the field. You know about the soil, grass and how to test water pressure. You probably even know how to make sure that a home with low water pressure can accurately water their yard. You probably even possess the skills and knowledge to accurately size up a lawn and calculate the number of sprinkler heads needed.
This is your industry, but what do you know about insurance? Are you and your employees properly protected from the risks that you are exposed to? General liability insurance for lawn sprinkler installations might be just the policy that you are seeking to protect you in the event something goes wrong and causes damages or a lawsuit.
The first thing that you need to know is that all Canadian irrigation experts are exposed to risks. You might not think you are and they could never happen to you, but that is not the case at all. Accidents happen all the time and the wrong accident could leave you liable for thousands of dollars or lawsuit.
What if you accidentally damage the customer’s property? When digging a trench for your sprinkler line, isn’t it possible that you could hit an active water line? What if a customer falls in your trench and breaks his or her ankle? Even though he or she should have been nowhere near the job-site, you are going to be held responsible for the medical expenses. You are also going to be held liable for the water pipe repair.
There are the exact situations where general liability lawn installation insurance can come in handy. It will pay for that unintentional harm that you cause the customer or his property. It will even cover legal costs in the event that the third party wants to sue you for causing them harm. For some people paying for the medical expenses might not be enough to rectify the situation.
You can probably already see how this type of policy can protect you and your employees. All that’s left now is just figuring at what you are going to pay for your policy. Of course, that is going to be more difficult that you think. And, this is because each Canadian insurance provider will base your overall price on different factors. Some factors might include the number or years that you’ve been in business, the number of employees that you have and some provider might even factor in the types of jobs that you are taking on. With that in mind, most average irrigation experts will probably pay anywhere from $650 a year to $1,550 a year.
Bills can pile up rather quickly and this is why it is best to go with a policy of at least $2,000,000 coverage. This will ensure that you and your employees are protected to some degree. Of course, if you are a much larger company that takes on commercial jobs, you might want to consider an upwards of $5,000,000 policy.
Let our insurance company serve all your insurance needs and provide you a free quote. We not only offer general liability insurance for lawn installation, but we offer other unique policies that can protect you in other situations as well. Call our offices and let us help you build the perfect insurance package to protect your business.
We can also provide a construction bond for installation companies in the event a bid or tender requires a financial guarantee in place.